The Arctic Convoy Club
of New Zealand

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Veterans of the Arctic Convoys 1941 - 1945

Other sites of interest

Further details of the Arctic Convoys and Allied activities in the Arctic
region during World War II are available at the following websites:

Links to news items referencing the Arctic Convoys.

Chickens that Got Home - Time Magazine - Monday 5 October 1942

Fury at Arctic Convoy emblem plan - BBC News - Tuesday 8 March 2005

Arctic Convoy veterans honoured - BBC News - Wednesday 11 October 2006

Press clippings of the day


Convoy Web

The British Merchant Navy

Uboat Archive

Battleships Cruisers

Maritime Quest

Naval History

Miramar Ship Index

RAF Hurricanes in Russia

No. 151 Wing Royal Air Force [Kola Peninsula, Operation Barbarossa]

History of Maritime Communication

Cars, Tanks and Airplanes of WW2

Through ice and fear for Russia : The Arctic Convoys

Attack on an Arctic Convoy 1942

The Murmansk Run : Veterans Affairs Canada

Campaign Summaries of World War 2 : Arctic Convoys

Running the Gauntlet: The Murmansk Run & WWII’s Arctic Convoys

A 5-minute History of Arctic Convoys

Russian Convoy Series

World War II : Convoy PQ17

Arctic Allied Convoys : Russian Embassy London

The Last Murmansk Convoys : 11 March - 30 May 1945

Extended reading

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This page updated January 2024

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